What is Deep Sedation in Dentistry?

Deep sedation is a way of limiting distress during a dental procedure. You are put into a “twilight sleep” – a drug-induced conscious relaxation.

One option for dental sedation is commonly known as “deep sedation”.

This is used in complex dental procedures and can be a way of helping patients who experience significant anxiety in the dentist’s chair.

At the Danbury Dental Care we combine expert dental care with in-house sedation expertise, ensuring a quick, stress-free experience in a calming and compassionate environment. If you’re looking for a sedation dentist in Essex, we rank among the top providers in the UK and offer a range of sedation options.

In this guide, you’ll learn about deep sedation in dentistry, how it works, who it’s for, and what to expect during and after your procedure. What does sedation dentistry feel like? Is it safe? We’re here to answer the important questions that will help you feel confident and well-informed during your next dental appointment.

What is Deep Sedation in Dentistry?

Deep sedation in dentistry is a type of sedation used to help patients feel very relaxed and comfortable during dental procedures. It is more intense than other types of sedation, but it isn’t as strong as general anaesthesia.

Under deep sedation, you are not fully unconscious, but you are in a state of deep relaxation where you won’t feel pain or be aware of the procedure.

What are the different types of sedation?

There are several types of sedation available to help make dental procedures more comfortable for patients. Each type varies in its level of intensity and the state of relaxation it provides.

Deep sedation is just one of these options.

Minimal sedationMinimal sedation helps you relax while staying awake. You’ll feel calm and at ease but will be able to respond to questions and instructions. This is often achieved with nitrous oxide (laughing gas). 
Moderate SedationModerate sedation puts you in a deeper state of relaxation. You might slur your words when speaking and have little memory of the procedure. It can be administered through oral medications or intravenous (IV) sedation. 
Deep SedationDeep sedation puts you on the edge of consciousness, but you can still be awakened if necessary. You won’t feel pain or be aware of the dental work being done. This level of sedation is typically administered through an IV. 
General AnaesthesiaGeneral anaesthesia makes you completely unconscious during the procedure. You won’t feel, hear, or remember anything. It’s usually reserved for extensive surgical procedures and must be administered by an anaesthesiologist. 

Can any dentist administer deep sedation?

No, not all dentists can administer deep sedation. It requires special training and certification. At Danbury Dental Care, our dentists are fully trained and certified to provide deep sedation safely.

Who Can Deep Sedation Help?

Deep sedation can be helpful for a variety of people in different situations. It is especially beneficial for those who have a high level of anxiety about dental visits, those who have to undergo lengthy procedures, or those with support needs that make it difficult to receive dental care.

Examples of people who could benefit from deep sedation include:

  • People with severe dental anxiety who would become distressed during the procedure
  • Patients undergoing long or complex procedures
  • Children or adults with special needs
  • Individuals with a strong gag reflex
  • People who have had traumatic dental experiences in the past

How Does Deep Sedation in Dentistry Work?

Preparing for Deep Sedation
Before an appointment where you will be receiving deep sedation, you should discuss your medical history, any medications you are taking, and any allergies with your dentist. You might be advised not to eat or drink for a few hours before the procedure.
Your dentist will give you specific instructions to ensure you are fully prepared.

During the Procedure
During the procedure, a sedative medication will be administered through a cannula in the arm.

The dental team will monitor your vital signs, such as your heart rate and breathing, to ensure your safety throughout the procedure.

You will be in a relaxed state and won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

After Deep Sedation
After the procedure, you will need some time to recover from the sedation.
You might feel groggy or a bit confused at first. It’s important to have someone drive you home and stay with you until the effects of the sedation wear off completely.

Follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Risks of Deep Sedation in Dentistry

Are there any risks to deep sedation during a dental appointment?

Deep sedation is generally very safe, and most side effects last only for a short time, but like any medical procedure, there are some risks. Complications are rare but can include allergic reactions to the sedative, breathing difficulties, or changes in blood pressure.

Our trained professionals at Danbury Dental Care monitor you closely to manage any potential risks effectively.

What are the side effects of deep sedation?

Drowsiness and Grogginess
One of the most common side effects of deep sedation is drowsiness. After the procedure, patients often feel very sleepy and groggy. This effect can last for several hours, making it important to rest and avoid any activities that require full alertness, such as driving or operating machinery.

Nausea and Vomiting
Some patients may experience nausea or vomiting as a side effect of deep sedation. This is usually temporary and can be managed with medication if necessary. It’s important to follow any dietary restrictions provided by your dentist before and after the procedure to minimise this risk.

Dry Mouth
Deep sedation can sometimes cause dry mouth. This is because the medications used can reduce saliva production. Sipping water and using a moisturising mouth spray can help alleviate this discomfort until normal saliva flow returns.

Headaches are another possible side effect of deep sedation. These can occur due to the sedation medications or the position of the head during the dental procedure. Over-the-counter pain relief can usually manage these headaches effectively.

Memory Loss
Patients may experience some confusion or have trouble remembering the procedure after deep sedation. This temporary memory loss is normal and should resolve within a few hours as the sedation wears off.

Allergic Reactions
Although rare, some patients may have allergic reactions to the sedative medications. Symptoms can include itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. It’s crucial to inform your dentist of any known allergies before the procedure to avoid this risk.

Changes in Blood Pressure or Heart Rate
Deep sedation can sometimes cause changes in blood pressure or heart rate. These are usually minor and temporary, but in rare cases, they can be more significant. Continuous monitoring during the procedure helps ensure that any changes are detected and managed quickly.

Respiratory Issues
Respiratory issues, such as slow or irregular breathing, can occur with deep sedation. This is why it’s vital to have trained professionals administering and monitoring the sedation. At The Dental Sedation Clinic, we prioritise patient safety and are equipped to manage any respiratory concerns that may arise during the procedure.

Is deep sedation safe for everyone?

While deep sedation is safe for most people, it may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions or who are taking specific medications might not be good candidates.
It’s essential to have a thorough consultation with your dentist to determine if deep sedation is safe for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deep Sedation

Are you asleep during deep sedation?
No, you are not completely asleep during deep sedation. You are, however, in a state of deep relaxation and might not be fully aware of your surroundings due to the effects of the sedative.
You won’t be fully unconscious like you would be with general anaesthesia.

Do you feel anything during deep sedation?
You won’t feel pain or discomfort during deep sedation. The medication keeps you in a state where you won’t be aware of the dental procedure, which helps to limit any fear and anxiety.

How long does it take deep sedation to wear off?
The effects of deep sedation can take a few hours to wear off completely, though it is dependant on your own metabolism and physiology. You might feel drowsy or a bit out of it for the rest of the day. It’s important to rest and avoid any strenuous activities until the sedation has fully worn off.

When can I drive after deep sedation?
You should not drive immediately after receiving deep sedation. The sedative effects can impair your ability to operate a vehicle safely. It’s important to have someone else drive you home and stay with you until you are fully alert again, which can take up to a few hours.

Can I get deep sedation if I am pregnant?
Deep sedation is generally not recommended for pregnant women due to potential risks to both the mother and the baby. The sedative medications can affect the baby’s development and might lead to complications.

If you have questions about whether sedation is right for you or your medical circumstances, it’s critical to alert your Dentist to relevant medical history.

Can children get deep sedation in dentistry?
In certain circumstances, children can receive deep sedation for dental procedures. It can be particularly useful for children who are very anxious or need extensive dental work.
At Danbury Dental Care, we provide inhalation sedation for children and can in limited circumstances also provide IV Sedation, which is a safe and effective option.

Pros & Cons of Deep Sedation

The sedation method used during your dental procedure is of utmost importance, especially if you are someone who experiences anxiety in the dentist’s chair.
Deep sedation has its unique advantages as well as some considerations to keep in mind. If you are looking to request deep sedation, or if it has been suggested by your dentist, understanding these can help you make the best decision for your individual needs.

Advantages of Deep Sedation

Reduces Anxiety and Fear

One of the main benefits of deep sedation is its ability to significantly reduce anxiety and fear. Many people avoid dental visits due to nervousness, which can lead to worse outcomes in the long-run. Deep sedation helps patients feel calm and relaxed, making it easier for them to undergo necessary dental procedures without the stress and anxiety they might usually experience.

Makes Long or Complex Procedures More Comfortable
Deep sedation is particularly useful for lengthy or complex dental procedures. It allows patients to remain comfortable throughout the entire process, as they will not be aware of the time passing. This can be especially beneficial for extensive treatments that require the patient to stay still for extended periods.

Disadvantages of Deep Sedation

Side Effects After Procedure
One of the drawbacks of deep sedation is that it can cause drowsiness and grogginess after the procedure. Patients report needing time to recover and may feel out of sorts for several hours.
After receiving deep sedation, patients cannot drive themselves home so you must organise a chaperone to attend with you to the appointment. Which brings about logistical complexity to getting dental care.

Not Suitable for Everyone
Deep sedation is not appropriate for all patients. Those with certain medical conditions, such as respiratory issues or allergies to sedative medications, may not be good candidates.
Additionally, it requires a thorough evaluation and consultation to ensure it is safe for each individual. Patients must discuss their medical history in detail with their dentist to determine suitability.

Possible Rare Complications
Although deep sedation is generally safe, there are some rare complications to consider. These can include allergic reactions to the sedative, breathing difficulties, or fluctuations in blood pressure.

At Danbury Dental Care our team is trained to monitor patients closely and manage any potential issues that may arise.

Is Deep Sedation Right for Me?

Sedation is ideal for people who haven’t been to the dentist in several years due to anxiety or negative experiences in the past. It can be the turning point to change , exploring the range of sedation options available may be the next step in your dental health journey.

How can I get deep sedation in dentistry?
To receive deep sedation during a dental procedure, you should speak with your dentist about your options. Not all dental practices offer deep sedation, so it’s important to find a clinic that does.


At Danbury Dental Care we provide a range of sedation options, including IV and inhalation sedation. We also offer quick appointments to reduce waiting times. If you hate going to the dentist, need urgent treatment, or have had bad past experiences in the dentist’s chair, our team is here to help you get the care you need.

Book an appointment with us today and explore your options for stress-free dental work.

About the Author

Dr Kaly Gengeswaran
Principal Dentist, Danbury Dental Care
BDS (London) PG Dip Sedation
Link to Biography: https://danburydentalcare.co.uk/our-team/


DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The products and methods mentioned are not a substitute for professional medical advice from a trained healthcare specialist. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Use of the information and products discussed is at your own risk.

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